Crane and Hoist Canada

Training personnel from top down

September 6, 2019  By Judy Mellott-Green

Judy Mellott-Green has more than 27 years experience working in the overhead crane industry.

It has been my industry experience over the years that it is of critical importance for all applicable management – supervisors, foremen, HSE personnel – to attend and successfully complete the same safety training programs their shop workers attend.

Training applicable supervisory personnel is beneficial to the company, as it provides them with the knowledge and experience that during their observations in the shops may easily prevent an accident or injury (i.e. unbalanced load, or damaged lifting or handling hardware, etc.).

Reasoning is that all electrical/energy powered equipment and tools, etc., have the potential of being involved in a serious injury accident or fatality.

The technology and design of most production equipment has significantly changed over the past 10-plus years. Therefore, it is of critical importance that all applicable above-mentioned personnel attend the same safety training programs as their workers.

Manufacturing, fabricating and assembly facilities have certified design processes that they follow for the products they are building and selling to their clients. Therefore, having these personnel trained could easily reduce unnecessary downtime, costly repairs, late deliveries, and in some cases, the loss of a client.

It is quite simple, beginning first by training from top down, applicable managers, supervisors, lead hands, foremen/women and HSE Personnel. The more “eyes on the loads” being handled/rigged, travelling through the shop, there is less chance of an incident or damaged load. On-time delivery and a happy customer is what it’s all about.

It is, at times, difficult for some people to see how important it is to have personnel observing how loads are being rigged or travelling. HSE and supervisors that are in the proximity of a load being lifted can see things that the operator and rigger aren’t aware of – for example: a sling that is not rigged properly, or that they are too close to a gas line. This may sound trivial, but it could easily prevent a serious accident.

It is extremely important to ensure that companies have copies of the most current federal applicable standards for all large powered equipment that if operated incorrectly, could result in a serious accident or fatality.
Maintenance logbooks are a provincial and federal requirement for most large powered equipment that requires a trained qualified ticketed operator. Logbooks contain dates, times and operator names; as well as manufacturer required pre-operational checks, operational checks and shutdowns of equipment; and are signed and dated by the operator at end of shift. In the in the event of an injury accident or fatality, these documents are required for legal investigative authorities to determine the cause of an incident.

Ensuring all the prementioned personnel have been trained will help ensure your product arrives on time to your clients. It sounds like a lot to do, but the benefits far outweigh the work involved. On-time deliveries, happy customers, and most importantly, a safer worksite with less costs.

Judy Mellott-Green has more than 27 years experience working in the overhead crane industry and was the recipient of the 2016 CSA Award of Merit in recognition of exemplary goal-oriented leadership. As president of the All Canadian Training Institute Inc. (ACTi) in Edmonton, Alta., Judy continues to participate on provincial, national and international safety committees to assist in improving standards and workers safety for those who utilize this type of equipment.

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