Crane and Hoist Canada

Take our survey: How are employers responding to COVID-19?

National survey of Canadian employers looks at layoffs, business decline and evolving HR policies

April 3, 2020  By Todd Humber

Talent Canada is conducting a national survey to find out how employers are responding to COVID-19.

The survey is open now and will close next Friday at 9 a.m. ET.

It is designed to capture a snapshot of things like:

  • Work at home policies
  • Layoffs and business declines
  • Gauging the federal government’s reaction and assistance
  • And more

We would appreciate you taking the time to answer this brief survey. Your answers will be kept in confidence and only reported on in aggregate.

If you’re willing to talk to one of our journalists for an article we’re doing, there is an optional spot at the end of the survey to add your contact information.

Survey results will be released in Talent Canada.

To take the survey visit

If you have questions about the survey, contact Todd Humber, group publisher at

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